>I always thought these were Sturmey Archer-made AW hubs rebadged but I've
>noticed that the >three-speed trigger works completely the opposite way to
>a Sturmey one.
Bruce, that's freakish. I own two BSA labeled S-A hubs and they work the same way as a standard S-A. Looking at my really dogeared "The Sturmey-Archer Story" by Tony Hadland it looks like BSA stopped making 3-speed hubs in '55 and were never part of the S-A company. Though BSA was later bought by Raleigh.
Dang, now I'm confused since I always thought BSA had their hubs built by S-A, but I guess not. . . hummm. So maybe I don't have BSA labeled S-A hubs, just BSAs. Sorry to just add to the confusion, damn I hate it when information you knew was correct turns out to be wrong. enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives
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