Re: [CR]Confente on ebay, and a thought or two about same

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 21:39:09 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Confente on ebay, and a thought or two about same
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

i like to garden. e-RICHIE

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 11:08:25 -0700 Jeanette Bell <> writes:
> It appears that in the framebuilding universe, not unlike show
> business, death is a good career move. Richie- how is
> your health these days?
> Joe Bell
> "C. Andrews" wrote:
> > I was the high bidder on the Confente for about a day I think..<g>
> >
> > I took one more swing at it today, but the current high bidder
> wants it more than I do.
> >
> > After giving it a lot of thought, I've come to the conclusion that
> it makes a whole lot more sense to order
> > a Richard Sachs (expect an order soon, Richard!). Somehow it
> began to stick in my craw that I
> > was going to line the pockets of someone who happened to be smart
> enough to order a
> > Confente when Mr. C was still alive, rather that the pockets of
> the builder himself. From the Sachs
> > frames I've seen, Mr. S. makes frames equal or superior to Mr. C's
> in every aspect.
> >
> > Of course, I know the Confente is an irreplaceable rarity. Makes
> me wish he'd lived longer and built more of them,
> > then they wouldn't cost so much.. ;> More of us could enjoy one.
> Because they are very beautifully made;
> > real eye-candy.
> >
> > It is a beautiful bike. Someone will have a nice toy. At that
> price though, I'm afraid
> > that in my case it would have remained a wall-hanger. Try riding
> a $6000, irreplaceable,
> > uninsurable bike down Sepulveda sometime (I have); too
> nerve-wracking for my autonomous nervous system..<g>
> >
> > Oh, btw, I'm louislot on ebay.
> >
> > Charles
> >
> > PS: Duane! What do you have over there, a warehouse or what?
> <ggggg> ;>
> > (I'm TEASING...!)