Re: [CR] Little known builders

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Sarah Gibson" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Little known builders
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 15:07:01

another local framebuilder is jeffery bock out of ames, iowa. it is possible that he is still building frames sometimes. i have run across two of his frames. the first from the late 70's to early 80's that is beautifully done. it came to me set up with half-step gearing on a campag triple. it's 56c-c with a 54tt which is nearly perfect for me. the lugs are filed so thin that you must be careful when you remove the seatpost that you don't cut yourself. very fine long point lugs once again filed to paper thinness. the other is a touring frame made in the mid 70's. the lugs are as thinly filed and have cutouts. it has canti braze-ons and came with mafac cantis. i know the guy who it was made for and he traveled all over the world with it. it has a very british feel with the stripped paint on the seattube. there are a couple more bock bikes in the area both made specifically for the current owners in the 80's. i can supply photos if anyone is interested. recently a sales rep who travels to ames gave me bock's phone number. my brother lives in missoula and has mentioned the desire the braxton frames elicit there. great subject peace sarah

Sarah Gibson * Old Town Cyclery * Lenexa * Kansas 13440 Sante Fe Trail Lenexa, KS 66215 913 894 5588 913 894 5553 fax (mapped)