Re: [CR]Brief (maybe not so,,) intro

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

From: "Russ Fitzgerald" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Brief (maybe not so,,) intro
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 20:59:13 -0400

Jackie O'Sullivan writes -
>I worked with some great, very crazy mechanics
>from whom I learned a lot (including the value of a large ball pean
>hammer and 12" punch),

Which reminds me of gunsmiths, interestingly enough. While watching a local 'smith attempt to replace the sights on one of my Brownings a few years ago, it became clear that he was getting nowhere driving out a front sight. Finally, he called Browning's customer service. They asked what he was using. "An engraving hammer," the smith said.

"Oh, that's your problem," said the customer service rep. "You need a bigger hammer!"

Classic bike content - weren't Browning Grade I bikes fairly decent quality? They built grades I through III, right?

Russ Fitzgerald
Greenwood SC