Re: [CR]Gipiemme Parts

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 13:09:59 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Gipiemme Parts

Tom- I don't think I can stop you, nor should I want to. As far as I can tell, GPM made a variety of components that were not necessarily the same style of previous years. While no longer made, I have always been impressed by GPM's cranks, BBs, seatposts and HSs. All easily on par with Campy's best products. If any thing, they were "over-engineered", meaning beefier-build. You will find these as O.E.M. on 70s & 80s Bianchis. I should also mention that I have had some GPM pedals and derailluers that were limited production, and I haven't seen those particular models else where. What made these so different for instance, is the pedals looked exactly like Campy NR ones, complete with steel outer cage, again slightly "over-engineered". Regretfully, I sold them years ago for $10 and I think I have seen them born a new life on a MTN bike with their out cage portion sawed-off!! Little did I know that I would be abandoning them to such an ignoble fate. Additionally, there were a line of derailluers different from the simplex ones you refer to. The ones I saw looked like some beefed-up Mavic SSC line, only stamped with "Gipiemme" instead. Again, I saw them only once, and never again. BTW, it wasn't my intent to confuse you, but I just thought I might add my experience to the mix. GPM brakes are also somewhat of an unusual story. Most all caliper models appeared to be made by Modolo, except for some that looked like a cross between Campy and Galli calipers---don't ask me to explain, as thats the best definition that I know. Although I may be wrong, I have seen several styles of brake levers, some clearly made by Modolo. However some were an exact copy of Campy SR levers, complete down to the smallest details except the brake hoods had an obvious "blank" area where the Campy logo should be. I should also note that BC in Holland has these very same brake hoods available for sale. Lastly, by no means am I an expert on GPM. This CR list did have at one time, a very knowledgeable GPM person, but I don't recall their name and if they are still with this group. Before I forget, I think I should mention that I have a GPM saddle burried somewhere. Its up for sale if you are interested. Cheers, Dave in sunny Cut Bank MT

In a message dated 7/9/01 2:59:49 AM PST, writes:
> I'm nearing completion on the latest project, a Trek 710 Brevet style resto,
> and was sighing in relief that I didn't have anything else to eat up my
> time and money. Then I started clearing out the parts boxes and found a
> set of Gipiemme hubs Jeremy had given me, along with a set of Gipiemme
> brake calipers gotten off eBay a while ago on a whim. (Who can see where
> this is going?)
> Lets see, Baron Corpuz has Gipiemme derailers and a head set for sale at
> Renaissance Cycles. Hmm, that leaves only brake levers, a crank set, seat
> post and pedals for a complete grouppo. Alas, a new project is born.
> Any info on Gipiemme appreciated, especially any racing or team sponsorship
> history. Were there any bike manufacturers, frame makers or teams that
> used Gipiemme as original parts? Anyone with any of the above needed parts
> available for sale or trade? I'd especially appreciate a 172.5 or 175 mm
> crankset. Any suggestions on an appropriate frame?
> Any experience with the parts? Were Gipiemme good copies of Campy, poor
> copies or original designs? The derailers will be the rebadged Simplex
> versions, so we're also supporting French #$%&! at the same time. In fact,
> I have French Campy BB cups lying around somewhere, so a French frame would
> be cool! Anyone with a line on a pink 531 Mercier in 62 cm?