Larry wrote:
> In a message dated 7/12/2001 1:25:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > I take it OTB didn't mostly mean "Off The Back" back then?
> > Or maybe that's a good thing, for tourists?
> > Mark "Off The Side" Bulgier
> > Seattle, Wa USA
> not to be a pest, but how about changing the subject line and
> keeping it current [good reasons snipped]
Larry, you're not being a pest. You're right the traffic is heavy, and joke posts like mine that don't add to the collective knowledge are specifically prohibited in the list guidelines. I'm sorry
I know this reply adds yet another off-topic post but I thought Larry's deserved a reply. I'll exercise a bit more discipline in the future.
Mark Bulgier
Seattle, Wa USA