Having attended Matts' Bastille Day ride for the second time now, I believe it is not too soon to declare Matt (with some co-operation and assistence from his wife I'm sure) a master host. Beginning with the French flag flying proudly(?) above his garage in Belmont Shore, CA to mark the location, to the quaint and always French "bonus gifts" bestowed upon each attendee, to the food and drink he provided for us to stuff into our pie-holes; it was a class event. The weather was perfect, the company was divine. The ride was flat and scenic (if you get my drift) and the pace was fine; save for one squatty little dwarf that just doesn't know how to put a cork in it. He must be caged up all week or something. Luckily Chuck rode the fat suckmeister off his wheel after which Jim O. blew by from behind, putting the little toad-man in his place.
For dessert.....stimulating conversation and fine bicycles (bikes belonging to attendees and a good number of Matts'). Also on display were an assortment of parts, literature, and memoriabilia that would make your gears spin. He could start a meuseum of his own. As a matter of fact; I'll notify Thomas Bros. to reprint next years map with a historical symbol where Matts house is.
Aside from forgetting to use sun screen (I'm well done, thank you very much) I had a great time as I'm sure everyone did. I am especially glad to see Peter Johnson become part of our group, making the long drive from the bay area on several occassions lately. His close personal relationship with Spence Wolfe in the early days, being a long time racer and framebuilder, and a collector of much of what was common in the hotbed of CA cycling in the late 60's and early 70's make him a valuable resource of both stories and knowledge. He's one of those "anti-internet" types, pretty much old school; so he won't be on the list, but he is one of us "virtually" speaking.
So I'd like to extend to Matt my personal thanks for a great day and to recogize his generosity on many levels (and the man knows a fine cigar for sure). Also I'd like to thank Jim Ogden and Sterling Peters for giving me a lift, otherwise it would have been a long ride! Enjoyed talking to everyone there and I'm glad Scott Goldstein recorded the event, that way we have proof that the fish really were THIS big! I missed JB this time around. Maybe next time we can see if we can get him free for a day on good behavior. Maybe someone should send some flowers to his wife unannounced just before the next ride. I also missed someone who was there; Duane Kennard (pretty stealth), I didn't know it was you. Well, I suppose you got a peek at my bike while I was there. Had I realized that was you I would have made sure you got a chance to ride my bike. She's a real sweet ride.
Hope to see as many people as possible when we gather again. Matthew baby; you're the greatest!
Get that dish of butter away from me, in La Mesa, CA
> The 5 Piers/Bastille Day ride was great success based on the
> turnout (riders and bicycles), great weather and the absence of
> flats & mechanicals. I want to thank all who attended especially
> those who drove up from San Diego and down from Palo Alto.
> Lots of very cool bicycles and people in attendance with profiles
> of those to be detailed shortly by Scott Goldstein. The pace was
> 'stately' on the way down and quite the opposite on the way back.
> After lunch lots of tall tales and yarns were spun as well as a
> 'show and tell' of the bicycles and parts in the garage. Thanks
> again to all who made the day a real winner!
> Matthew Gorski
> 'Belmont Shore, CA