Re: [CR]Re: Need CR England Member Help - Problems Contacting H Lloyd Cycles

(Example: Books)

Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 18:03:46 +0100
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Need CR England Member Help - Problems Contacting H Lloyd Cycles
From: "Bob Reid" <>
To: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

I'm not sure Nick is out of business - Lloyd's Cycles were nothing to do with H Lloyd Cycles & Nick Tithecott for a long time.

Nick ;

(a) Moved house/business, lock stock & barrel to 1 Leith Beck Fold Melkinthorpe Cumbria CA10 2DX 01931 712686 (Fax/Phone)

(b) Never quite get's round to answering his E-mails

(c) Is rarely contactable outside 08:30 - 10:00 hrs (GMT)

(d) Never updates that website.

(e) Does produce some lovely decals once you get a hold of him.......!

I'm surprised his ansaphone doesn't pick up but it is the start of the English holiday period so I'm not surprised, I'll confirm all of this tommorrow morning if he's available and once I've had a chance to speak to him.

Best regards

Bob Reid Stonehaven Scotland

p.s. Lloyd Cycles certainly have it in for him..........