Re: [CR] More on D. Power/ Corky bikes

(Example: History)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 11:19:38 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] More on D. Power/ Corky bikes

Yes, indeed. Very nice photo presentation! I was discussing "HOW TO TAKE" photos of wonderful beautiful vintage light weight bike with one of our menber yesterday. So if I may, I would like to make a few comments;

The light source (lighting) is very correct, no direct sun/flash, rather indirect diffused light source (like clowdy day) must be applied.

The background shall be plain pattern and bright(white).

Aim the camera at height of toptube, middle of bike at 90' when the bike frame and fork is in straight line, this shows frame gepmetry nicely. In this case (D. Power bike). the fitst shot is little bit too low and the secomd shot is bit higher (see how bottom of handle bar crosses)

Take 3/4 quater vew from rear right to show power train (derailluer, freewheel, and cahin etc.), and 3/4 front from left side to show head tube, B/B area, handle bar-stem and brake lever etc. These shots can be pretty tight close ups.

Then, you can go to close up of upper seat tube for saddle(seat) and rear stays. Also, show lower seat tube area for B/B lugs and part of chain stay.

Also, any close ups are very nice additions to show details of a fine bike.

This case, I just wondered how one photographed inside of the wheel, I mean the shot of hub shaft??

KEN TODA, I have been making living with photography lab and studio for 20+ years but I never had published my photos, they are coming soon.