[CR]signing off list

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

From: "walter skrzypek" <wspokes1@hotmail.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 07:23:18 -0400
Subject: [CR]signing off list

I will be signing off the list temporarily. I have a busy few weeks coming up with a concert with the girlfriend tomorrow and a trip to New England and Nova Scotia til late next week so rather than kill the listmaster with returned emails, I am going to sign off and back on late next week. If anyone needs to contact me, feel free to email me, I will answer up til tomorrow afternoon but then I am off til at least next thursday or Friday. Talk later, I am off to bike in NE and NS.

Walt Skrzypek

Falls Creek, Pa ------------------------------------------


Walt Skrzypek
Falls Creek, PA