[CR]Good News for a CR Lister

(Example: Framebuilders)

From: Douglas R. Brooks <dbrk@troi.cc.rochester.edu>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org (Classic Rendevous)
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 20:00:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CR]Good News for a CR Lister

I hope this does not violate too overtly the rules of the List but a good friend of our List, Mike Barry, builder of Mariposa bicycles and knower of all things TA, has had some good fortune in his family. His son Michael has finished fourth at the Breckenridge, Co., Saturn Cycling Classic,. this past weekend; his daughter in law Dede Demet Barry won the Nichole Rinehart Criterium on Saturday. The results: SATURN CYCLING CLASSIC 140 miles, Boulder to Breckenridge, Colorado 1. Jonathan Vaughters Denver, CO HandleBar & Grill 6:50:58 2. Chris Horner San Diego, CA Mercury 6:51:01 3. Chris Wherry Boulder, CO Mercury 6:53:34 4. Michael Barry Boulder, CO Saturn 6:53:34

This has been a good season for Micheal, and I think it's near it's end...so I wanted just to let folks know that amongst us is a family with strong roots and connections in things classic and contemporary... NOW, for some classic bike content: Hanging in Mike's shop, Bicycle Specialities in Toronto is Micheal's first road bike. It is a Mariposa, made for him when he was just a boy, 7 or 8, and one CLASSIC road bike (albeit one that appears to have been shrunk in the dryer!!) As I recall this little beauty has really SHORT TA cranks and classic Campy parts. Perhaps Mike will share with us some of the things he did to make a bike this small and get it all to work. Michael raced this bike and it is a wonder of detail that would make all of smile who love classic bikes. I hope he tells us more when he returns from Colorado (where I believe he visited with esteemed Bicycle Classics Nabob Mike Kone...more pseudo-bike content...)

hoping the Truly Esteemed List Mentor/Owner/Mahatma Dale is not angry with this violation of protocals,
Douglas Brooks
Canandaigua, NY