I hope that list members can help answer some questions that I have regarding Zeus 2000 components. I remember looking in awe at a 2000 group in the display case at Georgetown Cycles (Bethesda, MD) when I first started riding in 1979. However, I have no recollection of when the group was introduced or how it was priced at that time. Looking at the two parts I just purchased, pedals and a freewheel, I assume that these parts cost more than NR, but how were they priced relative to SR? The pedals are pretty spiffy, with titanium axles AND cages, a cartridge bearing on the outboard end, and needle bearings inboard. Nice little lip seals around the axle too. I can easily see these outgunning SR for the privilege of most stupidly-expensive pedals of their day. Anybody???
Again, thats intro. date and price relative to other groups, particularly SR. Oh yeah, does anyone know where I can get a dust cap wrench to fit Zeus? Its bigger than Campy (of course!).
Tom Dalton