I believe I have seen this bike in person at the Canadian Wheelman Old Tyme Bicycle Races (Thanks Larry Strung). It is very straight and correct. I negotiated a bit on it and hoped to swap a Cinelli B for the Legnano. The Cinelli was a 55cm and way too small for me and this bike was a little bigger but I was still lukewarm. The seller was on the same plane as he needed a smaller bike. Anyway the deal didn't happen. Swapping the Cinelli B (very nice example) gives my idea of the value of this bike.
At 08:28 PM 1/22/01 -0500, David Bilenkey wrote:
>"Steven L. Sheffield" wrote:
>> http://ebay.com/
>> No connection to seller ... blah blah blah.
>One of Mike Barry's bikes (or one of his customers) if I'm not mistaken.
>I'm fairly certain that I saw this bike in the basement of the shop
>(Bicycle Specialties in Toronto) late spring/early summer last year. I
>seem to recall it was available for $1,000 CDN. Looks like it'll
>probably go higher than that. It was a very nice bike, too nice for me!
>David Bilenkey
>Ottawa, Ontario, Canada