Hi Richard:
I would say if three conditions are met, to buy the Paramount,
1. If it's your exact size. I'm guilty of buying too small and too big, but not anymore. With the internet and electronic payment, it's easier to be more selective these days.
2. If it's the right color and equipment. If you want the racing version, don't get this. If you want Lemon Yellow and this is Campus Green, no. But if everything is right, and it trips your trigger, get it.
3. If you have the money to spend more than this amount. You have the advantage of no shipping and no sales tax, but you might want to have it tuned up and new rubber installed, matching helmet, bike rack for the car, etc, etc, etc... (that's how bikes shops make their profit, the etc's)
Roy H. Drinkwater
Lititz, PA