Ouch. Let the list Viscount owners know what you to bring it back. I can check my spare parts.
Charlie Young
Honeybrook PA
> Morning all, I wont say good cos it ain't. My Viscount ran over a piece of
> wire 2mm dia by ,say ,600mm long. The rear tyre flicked it up into the chain
> wrapped it through the rear der ,it's orig 1976 Shimano 600. This pulled into
> wheel catching and bending spokes and bending the dropout down and back. The
> was mangled. I was pedalling slowly but hard up a hill so did max damage.
> job I wasn't on a fast downhill. I managed to pull it into enough shape to
ride in
> one gear. Got to work 1/2hour late , filthy and very pissed off. I took a
photo of
> the mess before repair. Mark Stevens in rubbish strewn London.