Re: [CR]Windtrainer/ Roller Music request

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Windtrainer/ Roller Music request
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:26:11 US/Eastern

How about Tangerine Dream? Spacey, intricate, and will help you forget the mind-numbing boringness of riding the trainer. I've started riding the rollers on my Puch fixie (CR content) in lieu of the more stable Italvega (even more CR content)on the trainer. I find that the concentration necessary to avoid riding off the damn thing provides a little more stimulation.

> on 1/17/01 13:15, wrote:
> > I'll put in Iron Butterfly & we'll crank the stereo up & listen to
> > In-a-god-a-da-vida.
> Ok, I tried and got scoffed at, so I'll try here.
> Since I live in a northeastern location, there is cold white stuff on the
> ground (it's called snow for short). Therefore being of sound mind and weak
> knees @ 45, I have a old Holdsworth Special (CR content) on a windtrainer...
> I also have two sets of rollers, but don't use them (there's that sound mind
> and weak knees again...).
> For the Holidays, I received a CD-RW drive. Since there is now a
> Napster version for the Mac, and iTunes is released, I would like to make a
> CD or two with music that makes me spin my wheels.
> I am looking for suggestions on appropriate tunes, any style of music...
> need tune name, artist, perhaps album name. Also any websites, or specific
> places to purchase (I'm not completely cheap) good spinning music.
> Examples I'm starting with:
> Radar Love - Golden Earring
> Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf
> You Can't Catch Me - The Blues Project
> Maybelline - Chuck Berry
> Highway Star - Deep Purple
> Foggy Mountain Breakdown - Flatt & Scruggs
> Call Me - Blondie (American Gigolo theme)
> I Wanna Be Sedated - Ramones
> Was there a soundtrack album for Breaking Away? Or can someone name
> those tunes. Again, any style of music, techno, celtic, disco, rockabilly,
> hymns, John Tech...(just kidding about John Tech...)
> Roy H. Drinkwater
> Lititz, PA
> p.s. I have liked music in the last 25 years, and I don't buy my music
> from TV ads....