Mike Wilkinson wrote:
> Just aquired a Holdsworth track bike and am curious on
> its age. The serial number is 023435 w/matching sn on
> on steerer tube. I'm thinking early 80's...
> Also, bought it sight unseen but looks to be in great
> shape except for a few very minor chips and what looks
> like a nubbin on the bottom side of the down tube that
> is about 9cm from the head tube... Looks like a wart!
> Any ideas what this may be? I'll be writting the guy I
> bought it from...
Without seeing pictures it's difficult to tell but this may be an earlier
Holdsworth refinished. The serial number is certainly from the earlier
sequence and would place it about 1956-7. However I don't know whether
similar serial number sequences were used in the 70s and 80s as well.
Hilary Stone, Bristol, England