Are the stays and fork half chromed? In Peugeots, that was an indication of an all 531 double butted bike. That would obviously increase the value. You might net more parting it out, especially considering the Campy hi flange hubs and Rally rear derailer. Sounds like a bike someone spent some serious money and time on, although the anonymous paint is a pity. Good luck!
Tom Adams, Kansas City
> I just bought an old bike from somebody's garage. It's been repainted
> (poorly), and has no decals or head badge. I was told it's a Peugeot, but
> I'm unsure. It does have Nervex lugs, a Stronglight headset and cranks,
> with Lyotard quill pedals, probably confirming its French origins. The
> serial number is 626009. The seat tube is 62 cm, making it too large for
> me. I'm considering selling it whole or parting it out. Any opinions on
> the value in either state? The other components include: Weinmann 700c
> clincher rims, Campy record LF 36h front hub, Normandy Competition HF 36h
> rear hub, HH Atom skewers, Cinelli stem, TTT handlebars, Universal CX
> brakes and levers, Campy Record front der., Campy Rally rear der., Campy
> cable clips and downtube cable guide, SR Laprade fluted seatpost, and a
> very used Unicanitor saddle. All other parts in used but good to very
> good condition. I'd appreciate any comments. Anyone interested in the
> bike or any components please respond offlist.
> Thanks,
> Keith Weaver in Reno (sunny and 60 degrees)
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