>At 12:32 PM 1/8/2001 -0500, Chris Beyer wrote:
>>2. What do you suggest for bar end plugs if Velox won't fit? I don'r
>>know if they changed something, but the steel washer won't go into GB,
>>Belleri, etc.
>I've had to modify those washers to fit various bars for as long as I been using Velox plugs. Still, that's only ten years, so I'm not sure they're "period correct" if you grind them down. Careful though, I heard a rumor that there would be some serious bar plug washer verification at the 2001 Cirque, and that Dale has even developed a non-invasive way to check for genuine Proofide and Campy grease.
Jeff Slotkin
Goose Creek, SC