[CR]An Introduction

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 10:20:28 -0500
From: "Jim Foreman" <JIMFORE@compuserve.com>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]An Introduction

I just joined the CR list and at the suggestion of the list master, I'll introduce myself. I'm a 72 year old fat man who likes bicycle touring. However, Even though my touring bike is rather modern, I do own a bicycle that might qualify me for a place in this list. It's a 1938 Winchester (yes, the gun that won the west) balloon tire bicycle that my dad bought for my 10th birthday. Naturally, when I was old enough to drive a car, the bike was exiled to the loft of the barn where it languised until I was back to the old home place about four years ago and rescued it. Since then I have restored it and occasionally ride it for special club events. I've been into antiques of various types for many years. I found a 1941 Monocoupe airplane on a farm which hadn't been flown in 25 years and restored it. A few years later I built a replica of a WW-I Fokker Eindecker in 1968 which I flew for several years before selling it to an air show where it is still flying. (Story and pix on my web page) My pet project right now is restoring a teardrop trailer built in 1946 from Mechanics illustrated plans to pull behind my like new 1946 Chevrolet Convertable. I'm retired from retail sales management but still do some freelance writing and photography. I've had six books and over 150 magazines articles published. A couple of the articles were even about bicycles. I've put a bunch of my stuff on my web page in case any of you would like to visit it. Parts of it are true but I can't remember which.

Jim Foreman
