Re: [CR]Mercian Geometry and Ride - and an intro from me

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 16:55:02 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]Mercian Geometry and Ride - and an intro from me
From: <>

Hello all.

I've just joined the list, and the list joining info suggested that I send an intro, so here goes (and I've tried to add a bit to the UK/US frame cost debate going on too!).

I'm a 31 year old medical researcher, who's been cycling for something like 27 years. Since childhood I've wanted Campagnolo and other high end parts, but couldn't afford them back then. Now I can, I try to make up for lost time, and use older stuff if possible. I also have newer components on some of my bikes. I'll not list out my bikes here, in case I bore anyone to death....

>>>> Mercians are fine bikes and I feel their building, start up costs >>>> and >>>> research and tooling were paid for long ago. The area they are from >>>> is >>>> semi-rural and the employees cost of living is probably low. A grand >>>> old >>>> company may have many older employees that know their job and do it >>>> efficiently and well. They are not hopping mad for pay raises every >>>> week or >>>> threatening to quit and move far away in a declining industry. This >>>> would as >>>> well as the Dollar/Pound relationship explain the bike as a great >>>> bargain in >>>> today's world. (corrections welcome).

Well, Mercian are situated in Derby, not really "semi-rural", but in the industrialised midlands of the UK. Costs of living there are lower than in, say, London, but not to the extent that would explain the US/UK difference.

I think UK hand/custom built frame prices are lower than in the US simply because there's more competition here in the UK in the US. There are several established old steel frame builders here, and even the best don't price there frames at US levels. Take, for example, Chas Roberts, in south London (not a cheap area!), who turns out what I would say are the best touring bike frames in the world, bar none. His most expensive frame comes in at somewhere around £650 (about $1000 US), with as many brazeons as you can think of, wonderful handling, and absolutely no regrets at buying one.

Someone like Mercian is cheaper than that, probably because they do have slightly lower labour costs, because they turn out more frames, and because their frames are a little less "personal".

All, strictly, in my humble opinion


                Andy Castellano Smith | ******************************************************