Re: [CR]Now: Geezers Was:An Introduction

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: "KCTOMMY" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Now: Geezers Was:An Introduction
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 06:27:15 -0600

My name is Tom Adams, , I'm 40 with 10 bikes (at least so far today) and I'm a Bikeaholic .

Oh, I thought one bike wouldn't hurt, that Schwinn Super Le Tour 12.2 so many years ago that was eventually stolen. But that one had to be replaced, and led to the Trek 400. I couldn't stop riding it, and that led to a custom Marinnoni. Then my LBS had a Trek 720 lying around, and a flat black Colnago Super. But that was it. I wasn't going to do any more Double Butteds. But then I got married, and my wife liked to ride, so of course I had to get her a Mondia and a Cannondale tandem. Then, God help me, I got on the Internet and discovered there where whole email lists of bike junkies, mainlining this stuff. It all became a blur of eBay auctions and used bike web sites, till I woke up one morning, finding myself owning a Raleigh Pro, Peugeot PX 10, Simonato racer, Cirrus 7 touring rig and a Diamond Back tig welded abomination so I don't have to stop riding even when it's raining and crappy outside. God help me, there's even a refinished Raleigh International at the LBS, waiting for a headset and BB, and a dealer from the west coast is waving a '73 Atala under my nose. I've even started selling the things myself to support my habit.

Say, are some of you back there bogarting the Phil Wood?

Tom Adams, with the DTs in Kansas City
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From:
>> > []On Behalf Of David Van
>> > Hook
>> > Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 8:04 PM
>> > To:
>> > Cc: Classic Rendezvous
>> > Subject: Re: [CR]Now: Geezers Was:An Introduction
>> >
> > > It would be interesting (to me at least) to know
>> > what the average age of the list members is.
>> > Dave (60)Van Hook
>> > Hershey (really, really foggy) PA