Us single guys need something to entertain us--this is about as harmless as it gets, besides the occasional oil spot on the white berber carpet in my spare bedroom (don't ask: just one of many oddball decisions of my life)....I wasn't gonna do this, but what the hell.
I'm 44 yrs old (jeez. hard to believe, ya know?) This all started when I simply wanted a nice old Colnago like the ones I always coveted and didn't buy when I should have. Alex warned me this would happen...ya can't eat just one:
'74 Colnago Super '82 Superissimo '72 Colnago Super (hey, it has different graphics from the other one, ok???) '72 Cinelli Super Corsa (a beauty) '62 Frejus TdF (original right down to the spokes; trashed but usable...that crappy chrome!) late 70s Masi GC (great paint Jim!) '82 De Rosa (all that gaudy panto'd stuff, love it) late 60s Pogliaghi, repaint, too tall, I love it anyway has a kind of italian/macho "don't mess with me" thing going on that's irresistable. '70 Chiorda/Gimondi Commemorative. Gorgeous work. I haven't ridden it yet, but I bet it'll be killer... '72 Follis (same as the one on Dale's site. Mesmerizingly beautiful somehow; and just a typical production frame, nothin' special. But I like it) 2000 Rivendell Road. Not yet assembled (I know, I know. Beat me) '72 Stella (italian style. Supposed to be my fixed-gear, someday) '73 Argos racing frame (very cool; I'm the sole owner; thing's in pieces at the moment...I raced it for three years back when I was young and strong) '70 Falcon San Remo (in pieces) '78 Bill Davidson touring. Not yet built. Gonna be top-line late '70s Suntour/Japanese throughout. Probably will end up my favorite. Half-built at the moment. Gorgeous frame! If you ever have a chance to snag a Davidson, go for it.
Let's not even think about all the ones I've bought and sold...gah.
Right now the '82 Superissimo gets most of the miles.
Asleep yet? I am....but self-indulgence feels so good...<g>
Charles "so beautiful here in Los Angeles today your heart would break: 70s, sunny, clear, snow-capped mountains clear as can be" Andrews
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas A. Stephens []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 9:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]$$$ was re:Geezer
> Reading all of these lists of hoarded bicycles makes me
> wonder what is the
> average income level of the members of this list? (a
> rhetorical question)
> I get the impression that we are distinctly well above middle
> class, with
> plenty, if not gobbs, of discretionary income to play with.
> No judgements
> implied here, just an observation.
> Doug Stephens
> Greenfield, MA
> 38
> 1 tigged mtb (1993)
> 1 Specialized Expedition (1983)
> 1 Mclean (1982)
> 1 Mercian (1972)
> 1 Raleigh Super Course (1972)