Just wanted to mention how totally cool it is to have you guys from the UK (and other places as well) on the list. Not only do you guys sometimes have unique perspectives on issues, but also have a finger on the pulse of our interest over on your side of the pond. I hope no one minds that I am now taking a minute to thank you guys from the UK for adding a lot to this list in terms of information and entertainment and making it a wonderful place to talk bikes. I for one, would be curious to know exactly what all is happening with the Hetchins name; being a fan of Hetchins and also friends with David Miller. Sounds like a can of worms has been opened regarding Hetchins. I hope no one has to eat them all before they run all over the place. Please keep us informed. Again, thanks for participating and giving us a perspective that we certainly would be lesser without.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
> The law is similar in the UK - in that you can have registered and
> unregistered trademarks - though the downside of not registering is that
> anyone can come along time after time if they really wanted to and use your
> TM, and each time the onus would be on you to pursue a claim and to prove to
> the courts that someone else was applying your trademark to outwardly
> "similar" goods.... Registration gives you statutory rights......and far
> superior protection.
> Interesting though that from a quick check, neither of the names Hetchins or
> Gillot appear to be registered trademarks in the UK - so just what is the
> true story....... or are both Mark Joynt and David Miller claiming ownership
> of an "unregistered" Hetchins trademark ? Sadly this is going to end up
> another squabble to denigrate the marque even further. Just how many "real"
> Hetchins are there going to have been now ? I'm sorry if this offends, but a
> trademark, a fancy lugged frame and a set of replica transfers does not a
> Hetchins make.....but that's another argument.
> > A tip though- you can grab a name if it is not being currently used in
> > commerce.
> Not in the UK if it's already a registered trademark you
> can't..........wether in use or not.
> Oh and Dale - the last person to say that some part of a Colnago -
> specifically the carbon forks - were not made 'in-house', on a public forum
> (cycling weekly in this case) , was forced to print a single page apology to
> Ernesto........and to withdraw the allegation.
> Bob (sadly not the owner of UK TM No.1399610 valid until 20/09/2006) Reid
> Stonehaven
> Scotland.