Silly cycling moments, I have two of these that my wife rates amongst the best.
Once my wife and I were cycling north from Durban to Petermaritzberg near the start of a tour of Africa we did. Normally my good sense of direction gets us through, if not I had a photo copy of part of the Michelin map for Southern Africa. (a good scale as you only need three maps for the whole continent!) My wife was struggling with a migraine and I was nursing her along and not really paying attention to our route. We managed a 100 mile loop and arrived back in Durban in time to get our same room in the Hostel! We tried again the next day!
The other moment is when a cycling refreshment stop at a public house one day turned in to an end of season drinking binge for a few of us cyclists. Riding home in the dark, I ran out of road and took a fall in to a ditch. This is not the silly bit, the silly bit that I could not find my bike! I looked for what seemed an age, walked back to the pub and phoned for my spouse to fetch me. The car head lights sorted the problem out. Drink is an evil thing!
Martin Coopland