Hi CR folks,
As a reminder, the big VeloSwap in Colorado is this weekend (saturday). Tickets are available on line (we think) at http://www.veloswap.com
We're having an open house the day after veloswap at our shop - Bicycle Classics inc. in Boulder. We'll post directions to our shop on our web site by tommorow. Our open house starts at 8:00 am and will go to around 1PM - we'll have breakfest munchies for those who want to come by, say hi, and then hit the road to go home wherever that may be.
At our open house we'll have a lot of assorted cool vintage goodies available that we'll dig out just for the sale - including some really cool ultra rare stuff and some more common good user stuff also. We just purchased a lot of cool french stuff so now we're going to part with some of the neat stuff Italian/British stuff we already have to make room for it. There will also be some interesting bikes on display - and also some interesting vintage bikes and frames for sale as well.
At 2PM on sunday we'll see if anyone is up for an informal ride. Destination and terrain will be decided by the group - there are some excellent flat rides around the area, as well as some gut busting climbs for those wishing to partake.
Thanks again to all the CR folks - hopefully we'll see some of you this weekend. Mike Kone