As its labeled Strada, I wouldn't think so, and is 1980 too early for BMX? -Dan Borden
At 9:45 PM -0700 10/24/01, Chuck Schmidt wrote:
>Mark Bulgier wrote:
>> Dan Borden writes:
>> > Here's another one: I have a NR Strada crank whose spider is built
>> > to accomodate a single chainring only - i.e., no inside lower
>> > ledge to fit the
>> > inner ring onto. It is labeled Strada but is built like a Pista.
>> Any chance it's a tandem left crank? If so it'll have a left-hand thread.
>> Those were as you describe, single-ring but marked Strada.
>> Mark Bulgier
>> Seattle, Wa
>> USA
>Maybe the Campagnolo BMX crank? I've never seen one myself. Catalog
>says they were anodized in the colors silver, light blue and gold.
>Chuck Schmidt
>South Pasadena, Southern California