Re: [CR]Campagnolo BMX cranks

Topics: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo
(Example: Framebuilding)

Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 23:57:41 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo BMX cranks
References: <>


Logically, this can't be, given Campagnolo's problems with cranks cracking and breaking clear back to 1958 and their introduction.

Here's an example I'm sure you're familiar with. Campagnolo made all different price levels of chainrings. Except they are all of the same hardness and quality. All with "gear cut" teeth instead of stamped. Makes no sense does it? Selling the same quality chainrings for all different prices?

I doubt they would change the alloy to a lesser strength on such a highly stressed part.

I think those messengers are retightening their crank bolts, a real no-no.

Only my opinion... anyone else want to weigh in?

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

Bicycle Classics inc wrote:
> Hi CR folks.
> I'm not convinced that the Campy BMX cranks really are the same as NR. The
> metal in our experience is softer than that of a typical NR crank.
> Messengers that beat up their stuff often had issues of tapers failing and
> the arms drawing in very far - problems not at all common on NR arms. Ones
> that we installed and maintained for folks also seemed to behave
> differently than NR's.
> My guess is that perhaps the molds were the same but perhaps the alloys and
> pressures used in the forging were not the same. I'm also under the
> impression that it is possible that fewer BMX arms failed than NR. Perhaps
> they are more ductile and less prone to certain types of fatique.
> I'm not certain about all this but but my gut feeling is that BMX and top
> Campy NR arms are just not the same animal. But they look and seem so
> similar...
> Mike Kone - Bicycle Classics inc.
> At 07:51 AM 10/26/01 -0700, Brian Baylis wrote:
> >Dan,
> >
> >Canpag. BMX cranks are cast from the same mould as N.R. cranks; the
> >difference is the finish. The polishing step before anodizing is either
> >left out or done less vigoriously on the BMX crankarms. Functionally
> >they are the same, but finishwise there is a slight difference if you
> >ever see a "silver" one. The red, blue, and gold ones are less obvious
> >on account of the color.
> >
> >Brian Baylis
> >La Mesa, CA
> >>
> >> Thanks to Mark B., Chuck, Dale and Tom Hanson for helping me solve my
> >> mystery of the Campy Strada single chainring cranks. To find they were BMX
> >> was a surprise!
> >> As far as I can tell, these BMX cranks are as well made and as highly
> >> finished as their NR counterparts. In any case, they look great on my 1985
> >> Bianchi Specialissima. Thanks again to all.
> >> Dan - gettin' cold in Beantown tonite - Borden
> >>
> >> At 7:58 PM -0400 10/25/01, wrote:
> >> >Yes, they are marked "Strada" and were for all practical purposes just reg
> >> >cranks with the inner chain ring shoulder machined off.
> >> >We have sold a smattering of them, most often as time trail bike cranks!
> >> >My shop employee Jason just built up his new fixed gear Landshark with
> them,
> >> >take a look:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >His is the 4th bike down.....
> >> >
> >> >Dale Brown
> >> >cycles de ORO, Inc.
> >> >1410 Mill Street
> >> >Greensboro, NC 27408
> >> >336-274-5959
> >> >fax 336-274-6360
> >> >
> >> >