Re: [CR]A fond farewell

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:30:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR]A fond farewell
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

i'm bored with this. i chimed in early saturday and implied that freddie's lurking for information_could_be_the equal_of taking something for free. i never heard his name nor read his posts before saturday morning. 'nothing like diving in the deep end... the one point that he continues to reference is the use of the CR by professional traders. when i read his note this a.m. i tried to figure who the professional traders are? i cannot think of one. i've sold to the list. hilary, tom, peter, sterling, and others have too. all deals offered to the list have been WAY lower than the same items could fetch at auction. who are these professional traders? i think freddie should remain on the list and continue culling the information and anecdotes offered up. we don't know his palmares but he mentions being retired. this implies that he's lived through the eras in which these classic items were produced. he must have some good stories to share. let's put this weekend's thread to bed. freddie, if it will bring us all together again, i'll take a cue from tony z and add, 'f*ck this past weekend.' let's move on. e-RICHIE (we won't be undersold!!)

On Mon, 05 Nov 2001 15:01:13 +0000 "Freddy Benjamin" <> writes:
> It has been a real education being on the end of all these anti-me
> posts.
> What a sanctimonious bunch you are. The biggest of the lot has to be
> Dale
> although he has so much competition that it is a very close thing.
> Having lectured me about how it is good to make a profit and how
> capitalism
> is fine (thanks for the explanations of these terms too because I
> have been
> struggling with their meaning for a while) Dale bristled furiously
> when I
> dared to suggest that he set up the list with a view to making a
> little
> profit like the good capitalist he undoubtedly is. What's the matter
> Dale?
> Why is the suggestion that you are just doing what you so applaud in
> others
> so offensive to you? I am sure Dale sells very little to the list, I
> am sure
> he spends a lot of time on a labour of love and I am sure that an
> awful lot
> more people now know about his shop that ever did before he started
> the
> list. Quod erat demonstrandum. You would think the way the rest of
> you
> reacted that I had accused Dale of being Bill Gates but I wouldn't
> do that.
> Bill Gates is not a hypocrite.
> I would love to answer some of the other points made in posts to the
> list
> but, even though I am retired, I do not have the time. There are so
> many
> more important things to do such as washing my hair and picking the
> fluff
> out of my navel. And I also have the neighbour's cat to feed.
> However, I would like to say something to Tony Zanussi. Not only do
> I admire
> your washing machines but you were the only one who had the guts to
> say what
> you actually meant. Well done and I mean that sincerely.
> My initial complaint, in case you have forgotten, was about
> professional
> traders using the list as a marketing tool. That it has broadened
> into this
> is partly to do with the 30-plus emails I have received some of
> which were
> quite heated. I wish the professional traders good luck because the
> rest of
> you deserve to be taken for all you have.
> I would be delighted to accept Dale's invitation to resign from the
> list. I
> would not want to belong to a "club" which counts so many
> self-righteous,
> over-sensitive, humourless and infinitely gullible sycophants among
> its
> number. I would, however, far rather be thrown off the list. It
> would look
> so much better on my CV.
> Freddy in the Lake District where it may be wet and windy but at
> least the
> Americans have buggered off for the season.