Re: [CR] Flying Grate....

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 08:57:06 EST
Subject: Re: [CR] Flying Grate....

Okay, I see what they're shooting for but I can't see how using the "gate" for the captain's portion of a tandem does any good at all. Visual symmetry would be a weak argument. Yep, looks like a gimick to me.

Calvert "we don't want any" Guthrie Kansas City, where we continue to enjoy a hang-fire winter.

In a message dated 11/13/2001 4:57:19 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> > Please, for us on this side of the water, what does "Flying Gate" mean?
> I trust the following link may be of some assistance.
> Bob Reid wrote
> > ", the whole concept of the "gate" surely has to be flawed - It sort
> > of goes back to the argument (sorry discussion) over what these small
> > builders thought they could do to re-invent the classic frame shape -
> Snip
> > lengthening the wheelbase in the process and adding weight
> Snip