[CR]San Diego Vintage Italian Ride 11-25

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: Sterling Peters <sterlingpeters@hotmail.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Cc: SoCalClassics@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:22:36 -0800
Subject: [CR]San Diego Vintage Italian Ride 11-25

Would like to encourage as many vintage buffs as possible to attend the
> > Vintage rides put on by Sterling Peters here in San Diego each month.
> > Each ride seems to be better than the last and there are always several
> > neat bikes to see and lots of pleasent conversation and trading etc.
> > that goes on. We are solidifying into a stable and friendley group and
> > would like to see the North County faction remain a part of it all.
> > Glad to be part of this group and looking forward to many good times
> > that are sure to be in our future. I feel for the first time the vintage
> > bike communitity is comming together in a very personal way that can
> > only benifit us all and be the source of pleasure and education for
> > everyone.
> >
> > Brian Baylis
> > La Mesa, CA
> >
> > The Next San Diego Vintage ride is Sunday, November 25th. We will meet
> > in front of the Automotive Museum in Balboa Park (Park Blvd.&
> > Way),unless the are some special events going on . In that case,we will
> > across Park Blvd (east side of Park Blvd.)at Presidential Way in front
> > the Old Navy Veterans Hospital. We will meet at 9:30 A.M. for good
> > conversation, show and tell and pictures then depart at 10:00A.M. If you
> > lost or are running late my Cell Phone number is 619-239-3157 This
> > theme is Italian Steel.. Cinelli , Bianchi , Colnago , De Rosa , Masi ,
>Tommasini , Gios Torino , Atala ,Legnano , Frejus...etc.. I have talked to
>many people about the ride and a
> > lot of these bikes will be showing up. This is an easy 25 mile ride that
> > passes through all of the best sights in San Diego. Balboa
> > Park, Mission Hills, Presidio Park, Old Town, along the San Diego River,
> > Ocean Beach. Next we head up to the Point Loma Light House with an
> > ride down to the Tide Pools. Then around San Diego Bay past the Star of
> > India sailing ship with a stop for Fish and Chips at Anthony's fishette.
> > from there we tour the Downtown Historic Gas Lamp Quarter and back to
> > Park. This ride is always a lot of fun and I encourage everyone in
> > California to attend, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you there
> > again. Sincerely,
> > Sterling Peters