Subject: Re: [CR]Hey is this a Rally or a NR?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: "janjol" <>
To: <>
Subject: Subject: Re: [CR]Hey is this a Rally or a NR?
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 22:37:03 +0100
In-Reply-To: <>

Hi guys

In 1987 I was visiting Beta Bikes (Freewheeling shop) and I bought the same Campagnolo Rear derailleur. It was new and without the box. I still have this derailleur and it's little used. But if it original by Campagnolo or not is very interesting question.

************************************** Jan-Olov Jansson Vildrosgatan 21 SE 753 24 UPPSALA SWEDEN http// **************************************

>Message: 20
> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 23:52:59 -0800
> To: <>
> From: Marc Boral <>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Hey is this a Rally or a NR?
> Hilary,
> My fear is that David's ex-colleague might be remembering the
> legitimate GS
> Rally derailleur that was avail. in the'80s. Just because
> there is a NOS
> version in a box doesn't lend any support to the theory that
> this "rare"
> derailleur was a legitimate Campagnolo model. Hell, I have
> enough NOS
> components and NOS small parts to make thirty of these "rare"
> derailleurs,
> including the Rally red box. So just because there are a few
> examples out
> there, don't jump to conclusions. I even know of a few
> people that would
> do something like this, just to gain some sort of notoriety. So be
> careful when using phrases like "the evidence is now pointing
> to". Your
> intention to get your merchandise sold on Ebay MAY be contributing to
> misinformation for concerned enthusiasts.
> Marc Boral
> Long Beach, CA
> At 11:23 PM 11/27/2001, Hilary Stone wrote:
> >I think the evidence is now pointing to an early 80s production by
> >Campagnolo. In England we have seen the evidence of a NOS
> one in a box which
> >was seen earlier this year and referred to by Tony Beckett
> in his earlier
> >posting. What we must not forget is the middle version of
> the Rally produced
> >which used the same hexagonal GS bolts. Perhaps the Nuovo
> Record GT long arm
> >derailleurs were a pre-run for the version 2 Rally
> derailleur? I will add
> >this to the description on Ebay.
> >
> >Regards

> >

> >Hilary Stone, Bristol
