garth libre wrote:
> This Simple Green news is quite disturbing. I have been using this stuff precisely because I thought the Citrus cleaners like Citrus Solve would be too acidic and thus eat away at the aluminum. Now I find out that Simple Green is too alkaline? (corrosive). What's left? Murphy's oil soap? Kerosene? Ivory soap?
Garth Libre Surfside, Florida
Warm water and dish detergent (it _is_ designed to cut grease) is what I have used in the past when my bike got muddy enough to need an actual washing (you know the lyrics, "It never rains in Southern California..").
I usually just wipe down the bike after every ride with a 6 inch square of old terry (turkish, bath) towel and some Lemon Pledge.
I also use dish detergent on the cycling clothes after each ride in the sink (wool, lycra, poly, you name it) and hang up to dry. Probably takes 4 minutes total.
Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, Southern California