I've sat back on this topic for a while mainly because it's been plain that a lot of your responses (obviously) have been to the more inflammatory parts of Freddies mailings to the list, rather than perhaps the important message that he was orignally trying to convey. Sadly it's been glossed over and lost in the proverbial post.
I'd only ask you to read his original mail again, and try to understand what he's saying. Basically his allegation is that there are certain British elements of our cosy group taking advantage of the rather disparate, but mostly American, subscribers need for British parts. And as I'm sure Aldo, Chuck and Dale will agree the matter of "brits" ripping them off was one of the hottest topics some four years or more ago. I certainly do not wish to be associated with anyone attempting to rip anyone off on this list. Nor do I wish the assumption that every British seller, small or large rips folk off to be commonplace here. Those that are doing it know who they are and I'm sure the more astute members of the list on both sides of the Atlantic do also. They have no respect from me.
Despite what Aldo says I certainly have no reason to be jealous of Americans buying up anything from the UK, safe in the knowledge that it can be got for considerably less over here. It does however more seriously disappoint me to see the list once again dragged down with personal attacks, meetoo's and attaboys when not one person even had the courtesy to respond to my enquiry about the 68' Olympic Road Race. At least Freddie got some response. Nice group I'd say.
Bob Reid Stonehaven Scotland.
p.s. If the seller of the beautiful 1950's Simplex RD on e-bay recently that stalled at $35.00 after failing to meet the reserve, and even with AKI bidding, is on the list how about a deal ?