In answer to Richard's question # 2
..........Ken Bird (Master
Wheelbuilder and 3 times Tour mechanic) I believe is currently working in a
hospital in Dartford Kent after getting out of the trade a couple of years
ago due to business problems, well known locally I'm pretty sure we'll see
his resilient character resurface back amongst the British cycling fraternity
as a talent such as his would be wasted outside of the profession. His name
stirred many memories (any UK list members remember his association with ace
time triallist Alf Engers back in the 70's?) I used to frequent the shop
where he worked in the 60's called W.Hinds in Lewisham South London where he
was employed alongside another well known character known to many of us by
the name of Tom Board.
We should have a "where are they and what are they doing now" slot
on relevant cycling personalities on Dale's CR Website, for my halfpenny
worth does anyone have any updated news on:-
Alec Bird (Ken's frame building brother),
Albert Hitchin (Holdsworth /Campag.rider of the 60's),
Ron Booty (first under 4 hour 100 miler)
..........and of course Lord Lucan?
Griff King-Spooner (London UK)