Re: : [CR] 1st meeting of BVVW

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 19:32:35 -0500
Subject: Re: : [CR] 1st meeting of BVVW
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

< Norman Hellman will talk on the subject of Tom Avenia's bike shop and Frejus. >

please take copious notes and write a detailed report. i bought my first bike, a frejus tour de france, (tour day france if bob roll is lurking), at tom avenia's. i spent a lot of time in harlem at his shop. that was in the 1970 or so. please, please tell some good stories, like how he preferred to fix bikes upside down. the bikes were inverted, not him. e-RICHIE

On Sun, 2 Dec 2001 18:46:53 -0500 "John Pergolizzi" <> writes:
> You are all invited to the first monthly meeting of the Brooklyn
> Velodrome Vintage Wheelmen, the BVVW.This will be an informal
> gathering of
> all N.Y. metro area cyclists who share an interest in vintage
> bicycles and
> cycling history. We can talk the old talk (1930 to 1980). Bring
> interesting printed matter, pictures, and small parts for show and
> tell.
> Norman Hellman will talk on the subject of Tom Avenia's bike shop
> and
> Frejus. I will be crowned omnipotent despot.
> Meet at Emmy's bike shop,141-East 17th St.,N.Y.,N.Y. (just west
> of 3rd
> ave.) at 5:30-6:00pm.this friday evening December 7,2001.At @6:30 we
> will
> make our way to John's Pizzeria at 278 Bleeker St. in Greenwich
> Village(or a
> closer watering hole w/food if its only Norman and me.)
> I expect everyone whose acquaintance I made at this years Lars
> and Velo
> to attend, or I will be forced to come back next year. Save
> yourselves
> future heartache and just show up.
> Ciao, JohnT.Pergolizzi
> N.Y.C.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: JohnT.Pergolizzi
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:32 PM
> Subject: RE: [CR] BVVW