Re: [CR]Campagnolo SR Silver vs Black

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 20:02:47 -0800
From: "Marc Boral" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo SR Silver vs Black
In-Reply-To: <>

That version you speak of was the first attempt at changing the old solid-cage Record. I think it was only around about a year at most. Educated guess here, but I think...'79? An exploded view picture can be seen in the '82 Olympic catalog. Interestingly, the photos of the complete derailleur show the 3 hole Record and Super Record. So I guess they got lazy and used an old photo for the exploded picture. Does anyone know if the 4 hole model is shown or made reference to in any of Campy's catalog Supplements? I kind of like the 4 hole cage. The narrow clamp is sort of scary. I think it might have been nice if Campy distinguished the Super Record from the Record by incorporating the black arms AND the 4 hole cage. Oh well, they probably had a good reason for not doing so. Can't blame that decision on Valantino :-)

Marc Boral Long Beach, CA

At 10:38 PM 12/5/2001 -0500, wrote:
>Hi, Chuck,
>Speaking of Campy N/R front derailluers, all silver 3 hole cage vs. 4 hole
>which one is older?
>Also, ones I have, I discover another difference at the front of "BAND". 4
>hole one has narrow straight design while the 3 hole one has top/bottom
>pointed like a sheild design as older record band,
>Thanks in advance,
>KEN TODA, cool and dry, North Carolina evening