[CR]Newest old bike offerings at Cycle World Miami

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: "garth libre" <rabbitman@mindspring.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 18:33:43 -0500
Subject: [CR]Newest old bike offerings at Cycle World Miami

As promised, I am posting the newest classic bikes that Mr. Lee has put out in his retro NOS bike rack section. This week he has a NOS Raleigh Grand Prix in what I eyeball as a 60 cm size. The color is light green and another contrasting semi lavender. The frame is 531 Reynolds and the equipment seems to be non indexed Shimano, appropriate for the time. A quick glance revealed no storage scratches or dings, but remember this is my lunch half hour, and internal affairs is surveilling us fairly regularly now, so I have minimal time to make any notes (not that I would intentionally exceed my allotted half hour anyway-- sigh.). The tires are probably rotted out as usual for twenty year old tires. The price is a satisfying $399.00 bucks (remember Mr. Lee is open to negotiation).

I liked the next bike which is a 52 cm Benotto in a strange black and white crinkle paint job. (base is white with a black lacey overlay of paint.) The effect is really unusual. The tubing is Columbus Matrix or Matrin (label is actually some kind of paper that soft and a piece is missing). The equipment is all Campy C-Record aero (see I'm learning). The stated price is $699.00 and this bike shows no signs of ever have been used or ridden, and is fresh from being dug out from his endless warehouse of old bikes. One thing more is that rims are Mavic anodized tubular Gp-something.

Cycle world is 305-221-2123 in Miami and the web site is http://www.cycleworldmiami.com but is generally uninformative. Mr. Lee is negotiable on prices but he hems and haws and mumbles and kvetches but as always comes down for me. I can not negotiate a price for you but if anyone has interest in these bikes I will revisit the shop on any Thursday this month for exact measurements and to take photos to post to your mailbox because I do not have a pic site to post to.

Garth Libre in rainy Surfside Fl.