Re: [CR]Rene Herse &"The Best of Bicycling Book"

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:21:12 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]Rene Herse &"The Best of Bicycling Book"

Hi Gang,

Lovely stories and good infomation in that book. Lots of history and lots of cycle lore. They printed this book in paper back and large format hardback. You can find copies on E-bay every once and a while.

After reading this article and waiting twenty years I bought my bike from former French Champion Lyli Herse. It was good knowing she had lots of expirience and wasn't just some new hire working the show room on weekends.

Gilbert" discovered she spoke no English and I only petite Anglaise" Anderson Raleigh, NC USA

In a message dated 12/3/01 9:45:42 PM, writes:

<< I've been looking through "The Best of Bicycling!," edited by Harley M. Leete (Trident Press, 1970). Must have been before Rodale bought the magazine, and the offices are still listed in San Francisco.

In one article from December 1966, by Clifford L. Graves, M.D., titled "Truffle Tour of France," Rene Herse's daughter Lyli is mentioned several times. Herse's sponsorship of Paris-Brest-Paris team is mentioned, and their win that year.

Dr Graves, in another May 1965 article titled, "Velocio, Grand Seigneur," tells the story of the fixed gear racer (Edouard Fisher) against the three speed riding woman in her 50s through the mountains, Marthe Hesse. It is finally sinking in on (for me) how there were two different bicycle technologies, and why Henri Desgrange kept the Tour de France racers on fixed gear bikes for so long. Still don't know why Jerry Lewis is so funny though.

Wonder what became of Harley M. Leete? Internet searches find hin as editor of the book, but it looks like he tuned in, turned on and dropped out.

From the Great Dismal Swamp,
Steven M. Johnson, Chesapeake, VA >>