Wipperman/Connex list two different 3/32 half links, one with a split pin to retain the pin, the other with a rivet pin that requires a chainbreaker to fit. These are for use with the Connex Intrax 3/32 chains for internal geared hubs.
David Benson Auckland, New Zealand
CYCLESTORE@aol.com wrote:
> Howdy Neill,
> I can't say for sure but I doubt a 3/32 half link was ever produced! I have
> a 1/8 in version I have sourced that are very handy. All Internal and fixed
> gear cogs were originally made for 1/8inch chains so there was no need in the
> old days for any thing else much except maybe a one inch pitch version which
> wouldn't work (or would it?).
> The newer track cogs and some internal hubs now use 3/32 inch cogs but on
> track bikes and bikes designed for internal hubs with slotted dropouts.
> It's easy to fix you problem cheap. Buy a good 1/8 inch chain and a half link
> to go with it. It'll run just fine on your skinny sprockets and best of all
> you can tighten your chain.
> Otherwise buy a chainwheel with a one or two more teeth and raise your gear
> and lower your bank account a bit more.
> Yours in cycling,
> Gilbert Anderson
> The North Road Bicycle Company
> your bicycle outfitter
> 519 W. North St.
> Raleigh, NC 27603
> ph toll free in USA :800/321-5511
> Local ph: 919/828-8999
> E-Mail: cyclestore@aol.com
> Walkin Hours:
> Open 12:00-7:00 PM this Wednesday
> E-mail anytime.
> Ô¿Ô¬
> In a message dated 12/27/01 3:14:00 PM, neill1234@yahoo.com writes:
> << Hi
> Anyone know where such a beast can be bought. I
> anticipate going from a 48 x 18 to a 46 x 18, and
> since I have semi-vertical dropouts, I'll need
> one.
> CR content: it's for a nice, oldish, 753,
> silver-brazed Bilenky. See it here:
> http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/
> ve+train.jpg?
> Can anyone date it? The serial # is 2019
> Thanks
> PS: 18 degrees F with the windchill factor today!
> =====
> Neill Currie
> 13 Bancroft St
> Portland, Me 04102, USA
> --------------------------
> Still looking for a Mountain Goat Frameset or complete bike, 20 to 21.5
> inches c to t.
> --------------------------
> >>