Re: Bike info needed on newer version of (Was Re: [CR]New to list, seeking in...

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 09:26:31 EST
Subject: Re: Bike info needed on newer version of (Was Re: [CR]New to list, seeking in...

In a message dated 2/27/01 9:01:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Don't have a pair now, but my recollection is that some Weinmann/DiaCompe
> levers had a threaded hole in one side of the body to accept the mounting
> bolt
> for the safety levers. A lot of Weinmann/DiaCompe hoods even have a
> perforated
> circle that can be punched out for this mounting bolt. I guess Mafac didn't
> want to drill their lever bodies, or maybe the shape or the amount of
> travel of
> the Mafac levers didn't work well with the safety levers.

I've seen what you refer to, maybe on a Schwinn. What I've been getting is the safety lever mounted to the big aluminum pivot pin. My LBS has normal shorter pivots, don't know where he gets them, maybe old stock. I think Harvey's right on the money about which bikes are more likely to have had parts swapped. The garage sale stuff seems safest when you look at it that way.

Pete Geurds
Douglassville, Pa