Re: [CR]Long Reach Brakes -Dropbolts

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 21:58:26 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]Long Reach Brakes -Dropbolts

Here here,

Grubb was Ian Hibell's mount of choice. On the Zeus centerpull a newly produced Dual Pivot dropbolt designed for Shimano or campy might be very adapatable? Comments gang.

Why not use a mixed set of weinman 999 with Aztec pads, good soup that combo.

regards, Gilbert Anderson

The North Road Bicycle Company your bicycle outfitter 519 W. North St. Raleigh, NC 27603 USA ph toll free in USA :800/321-5511 Local ph: 919/828-8999 E-Mail: In a message dated 2/27/01 8:52:18 PM, writes:

<< Group--I have several English bikes from the 30's (Freddie Grubb) through the 80's (Condor) that use a short reach in the front and long reach in the back. Never got a good answer, other than "that's the way they did it!". Any suggestions on that one-- makes it a real bear-- had to use a Campag drop bolt on the Condor. Perhaps some kind of a French Influence?

Anybody have a drop bolt for a Zeus 2000 Centerpull?

Those of us who are approaching our twilight years can remember (since it is long term memory) when long reach brakes were the norm and these short reach things were hard to find, if you really needed them!

Cheers-- Nelson in 55 degree, Sunny Seattle! >>