Re: [CR]Re: more on decals

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 07:52:22 -0800
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: more on decals
From: Mark A. Perkins <>

Which Moulton? I wouldn't mind finding an early set for my Alex Moulton. Oops, not a lightweight, or is it?

"Bicycle Mark" Perkins Visalia, CA

On Mon, 05 Feb 2001 10:33:18 -0500 Harvey M Sachs <> writes:
> The discussion has been very helpful, but I think there are a couple of
> other issues that should be raised, in defense of manufacturers' unable or
> unwilling to supply decals.
> first, in my modest experience, the older water-slipped decals don't have a
> good shelf life. they simply crack and decay in some storage
> conditions. I've tried keeping some decals for a decade or two...
> second, from the manufacturers' perspective, even if the things last
> forever, these small orders can be a real nightmare, for several reasons:
> --> How do you represent the value of these "trivial" things on your
> books? This is an issue for all sorts of things, like chainsaw and
> appliance parts, and my understanding is that "rational" manufacturers are
> driven to dump old inventory, because the cost of maintaining it is higher
> than the sales or goodwill value.
> --> How do you fulfill the order? Do you have staff dedicated to
> determining which decals went with which model, and whether the customer
> really has that model? what responsibility do you want to accept.
> There is a joke that there are now far more Pontiac GTOs than were ever
> manufactured, as so many people have "upgraded" LeMans models.
> So, as much as I would like to be able to call Schwinn or Waterford for
> decals, it ain't likely to happen. So, I'm just happy that there are some
> people who want to do the right thing and thus reproduce the decals, as a
> service or to make a living. Seems like a pretty good solution to
> me...
> harvey (anyone have some Moulton decals) sachs
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