"Mark Petry" <mpetry@bainbridgeisland.net> wrote:
> Perhaps someone besides me was listening to NPR today and heard the
> interview with Mike Kelly, pres and creative director of some high-zoot
> design firm in palo alto. When asked "how do you keep your workspace fresh
> and creative?" he went off into this whole riff about how they have rare
> and expensive bicycles, about 40 of them, hanging from the ceiling.
> Maybe part of the Hjertberg collection. Name of the firm escapes me now,
> darn.
The name of the company is Ideo (http://www.ideo.com). They do lots of nice industrial design work (i.e. Handspring Visor, Apple Computer products, Amtrak Acela, a self-closing valve for Specialized Water bottles).
Bill Canilang
Ridgewood, NJ