Re: [CR]Capacity of NGS and NR derailleurs

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:06:52 -0800
Subject: Re: [CR]Capacity of NGS and NR derailleurs
From: Mark A. Perkins <>

I once had the honor of visiting with, and going on a ride with Ian and his touring partner, in the Fresno County (Calif.) foot hills sometime around 1978. He and his partner were preparing to take their first ride across South America by way of the Amazon, before there was a highway. They had custom touring bicycles, and the most outstanding feature was the racks which were brazed to the frames. I remember the rear rack had about a 1" tube, which the rest of the rack was attached to, coming back horizontally, from the back of the seat tube. I believe there were places provided to attach spare tires to the sides of the forks too. I remember Ian's bike was blue, and not too fancy, but real durable looking. They put on a slide show and talked about Ian's previous tours, at one of the Fresno Cycling Club's meetings too. I haven't heard much about him since, except that they did complete the trans-Amazonian trip.

"Bicycle Mark" Perkins Visalia, CA

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 13:12:42 EST writes:
> In a message dated 2/14/01 9:35:23 PM, writes:
> Grettings,
> Late I heard Ian Hibel was married with a wife and son quietly living in
> Devon, England plotting some arduous trip afar.
> One of his Jungle mates from New Zealand by way of the Darien Gap gave a
> wonderful tale of the trip at a local club meeting I hosted years ago. This
> man lives as a Baptist Preacher (meet God at the blunt end of a machete in
> the jungle) in Roxboro N.C.
> Any other news on Mr. Hibell, I hope he is well.
> Gilbert Anderson
> The North Road Bicycle Company
> your bicycle outfitter
> 519 W. North St.
> Raleigh, NC 27603
> ph toll free in USA :800/321-5511
> Local ph: 919/828-8999
> E-Mail:
> <<
> I seem to remember from Bicycling mag long ago that Ian Hibbel used a 32
> tooth cog and a Nuovo Record on his touring bike. Is that guy still
> around or did he perish in some jungle somewhere?
> Leonard Bulger
> Rainy Ann Arbor and waiting for backordered fenders
> >>
> _______________________________________________

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