On a related note, what's the earliest year stamp anyone has seen on a Record hub locknut? For me, I believe it's '59 on a track hub (I'd have to go double-check).
Also, the "Record" mark was added sometime in 1963, right?
My experience with Record hub locknuts has been that generally, they are original to the hub as far as I can tell. Sometimes, I'll see a hub with what looks like 10-15 years' newer locknuts, but that's rare. I've never seen (as far as I know...) newer hubs with older locknuts, but I suppose anything is physically possible. I would agree that they're generally pretty reliable for dating purposes.
Greg Parker 40 degrees F today, but an Artic blast due soon in A2 Meechigan.
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From: Richard M Sachs, INTERNET:richardsachs@juno.com To: , INTERNET:davidg@iag.net
CC: , INTERNET:classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: 2/19/2001 10:36 PM
RE: Re: [CR]Campy hub date stamp
my vote is that it's reliable enough. particularly because unlike the cones that may be replaced, the locknuts don't wear out. there's no real reason to swap them out. e-RICHIE
On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:41:50 -0500 "David Goerndt" <davidg@iag.net>
> I was wondering how reliable the date stamp on the locking washer on
> campy
> hubs is for dating a hub considering it can be removed and swapped
> around
> fairly easily.
> David Goerndt
> _______________________________________________
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