Guess I should have said let the best PERSON win.
Jerry Moos
Jill DiMauro wrote:
> I share Jerry's approach.
> Jill DiMauro
> Maryland
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jerry & Liz
> Moos
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 8:27 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CR]OT: eBay etiquette?
> My personal rule is, if I have only a mild interest, like I don't really
> need
> it, but it seems cheap, I won't bid. If I really need it, I may email the
> other
> member to see how strong his interest is. Maybe the guy with the lesser
> need
> will bow out. If we both absolutely have to have it, then let the best man
> win.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> wrote:
> > I think the winning bidder should sell it to the loser for what they bid
> and
> > lose money. And let em sleep with your sister while you're at it.
> >
> > Come on you guys! Its America, and the free market system in action!
> >
> > Bid however you need to to get what you want. The hell with the other guy.
> >
> > Ted, selling on ebay right now. Did you bid yet?
> >
> > I used to have etiquette before the new (now new II) economy touched me.