Hello all-
Since several members have talked about the "soul" of bicycles being lost on the downside of the /pinnacle/ I guess it begs the question...
What gives a bicycle soul?
Is it something that we build up in our minds through our experiences with the bicycle? Has it something to do with the fact that "vintage bicycles" as we define them are easier to put a face to? We know them by who built or designed them... If James Brown was to build a bike would it have soul?
Mike "Soul training in Colorado" Wilkinson
ps. Ok, I'm now getting to that age where I am on the downside of my pinnacle and some whipper-snapper on a TI Merckx dropped me on my lunch ride. Of course, the day was windy - I was on my fixed in a 44x16 and this loop had lots of sprinter hills;) Or, I'm just gettin older!!!