Chris - I think you are right that the Svelto preceded the Jubilee. Its market position was - shall we say - somewhat more humble. Should mate up well with a late Astra (lugless), or perhaps a bike-boom vintage pseudo-peugeot. Definitely with the earlier Huret cable-operated sheet metal parallelogram front derailleur, the one whch (like the "wonderful" box Campy) had only one screw stop (inner). Outer adjustment was done by sliding the cage on the shaft. They will go well together. Just be sure you get the metric tube model. :-)
harvey sachs mclean va
At 12:08 3/30/2001 -0500, Chris Beyer wrote:
>Gathered Experts:
>I have come into posession of a NOS Huret Svelto. I'm not familiar with
>this model; it looks like a steel predecessor to the beloved Jubilee.
>Can anyone give me a qualitative assessment of it, its capacity, etc.?
>In other words, I'm thinking about using it, not putting it on
>eBay.......and I also need to know what the proper front derailleur is
>to mate with it.
>Chris Beyer
>Soggy Bloomfield, NJ