Re: [CR]T.A. ring variations

(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 23:10:28 -0800
Subject: Re: [CR]T.A. ring variations
From: Mark A. Perkins <>

Wes, Dale, & Members:

I have owned, and played around with many variations of TA equipment over the past 30+ years, and I still do. It all began with one of those Jeunet 630's. So I thought I would share a few things I have done with the group.

First, I'm fairly certain that the smallest ring that will fit onto an "Criterium Adapter", is a 45 tooth, maybe a 44, but I don't think so.

I have a modified TA Criterium Adapter on my '83 SANTANA "Marathon" tandem, with 56 tooth outer, 48 tooth middle, and 36 tooth inner rings. I had a friend mill the inner shoulder in six places in line with the 6 arms on Cyclotouriste rings, and then drill an 80 BCD circle, to allow Cyclotouriste middle and inner rings to be used with the Criterium outer ring. The six, 80 BCD bolt/spacer/nuts go through the 36 tooth ring, the 48 tooth ring, and the adaptor. The six 116 BCD bolt/spacer/nuts go through the middle 48 tooth ring, the adaptor, and the outer 56 tooth ring. This is the strongest combination of TA rings that I have ever used.

I did something a little different in '84, when I built my own traditional lugged touring bike. I ordered some Shimano Deore Dyna-Drive crank-arms and pedals, the ones with the same 50.4 BCD as TA, and much beefier cross-section arms. Then I installed TA rings on the Shimano arms. With a set of Dura Ace SF hubs equipped with 12-26 6-spd. cassette, and 26, 36, 44 TA chainrings, I have a gear range from around a 26 in. low-gear to a 99 in. high-gear. This combination has served me well for 17 years now. It's my good bike with fenders that I use for commuting most of the time.

Wow, it's late, gotta' go for now.

"Bicycle Mark" Perkins Visalia/Fresno, CA

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 19:53:54 EST writes:
> Dear Dale,
> I believe that the chainring set often referred to as the T.A.
> "criterium" adapter set is properly called the Professional set. It was
> composed of a double flanged adapter (either 3 pin/116 BCD or 5 pin/50.4 BCD)
> that mounted 6 bolt/152 BCD chainrings. Single flanged track versions were
> also available. I've heard rumors of small numbers of 5 pin versions made to
> accept 6 bolt/116 BCD rings (36 tooth minimum).
> The Criterium set was part of the Cyclotouriste "family". It was a 5
> pin/50.4 BCD outer ring drilled to fit a 152 BCD inner ring (43 tooth min).
> There was also the Randonneur set (same general pattern, but116 BCD inner,36
> tooth min) and the familiar Cyclotouriste (80 BCD inner, 26 tooth min).
> Criterium inner rings probably won't fit Professional adapters, as the ends
> of the arms are radiused and so will foul the flange.
> The Jeunet 630 in the "Classic French" section of the Rendezvous has Criterium rings.
> How 'bout a pair of Bata Bikers and a Cool Gear jersey to go with that
> Skid Lid?
> Regards,
> Wes Gadd
> P.S. I know I said I'd shut up.....
> _______________________________________________

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